I am currently available for talks and consulting engagements. For availability and fees please send across an email to dvijamehta@outlook.com or get in touch here.

I provide consulting engagements and give in-person and online talks on the future of artificial intelligence, especially the future of art with the rise of generative models, and AI sentience. Along with this, I also cover areas of consciousness science, phenomenology and creative intelligence.


BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze

AI — The end of humanity or the next evolutionary step?

I comment on the capacities of AI art, especially generative models like Stable Diffusion, DALL E 2 and ChatGPT. I then go on to explain that the reasons for these limitations in expressive art with respect to AI is due to its lack of consciousness.


Will AI Make Art and Artists Obsolete? Rediscovering Truth and Beauty

In this conversation, Sean McFadden and I explore the discussion of the future of art & aesthetics with the rise of AI art. We start off by discussing the impact of Ai art on artists and spectators alike. Then we explore questions about aesthetic judgements and the future of art. I then go on to explain my “what it is like-ness argument” for the sort of creativity that is unique to humans which highlights the importance of phenomenology and subjective experiences when it comes to creating expressive art. 

Can Machines be Conscious?

This conversation between Sean and I looks at the concept of access vs phenomenal consciousness and explores the question of whether consciousness could ever arise in artificial intelligence.